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In a quest to substantially increase productivity, physician partners and senior managers often turn to new technologies for the answer, but end up bogging down their teams with time-consuming solutions. Additionally, multi-vendor software often prevents one platform from communicating successfully with another, resulting in a highly inefficient patchwork of multiple work stations, capacity limitations and reduced patient care.

The greatest source of interoperability and productivity problems stem from the fact that different systems utilize proprietary data structures to store and move information. Medical Message Mediator (M3), the centerpiece of the MEDxConnect technology framework, resolves these issues and drives productivity to new heights.

The M3, which supports HL7, DICOM, and other standard messages, uses the communications protocols and semantics of each participating information system to control the flow of images, reports, messages, standard patient demographics and other important data for diagnosis and treatment planning of a patient between otherwise independent and disparate systems.

The M3 maps all data elements and mediates interoperability between different applications, creating a virtual integrated information system that adheres to the IHE technical framework, thus creating a maximally efficient and productive enterprise.

Increased productivity reduces organizational costs

One tested solution is MEDxConnect from Compressus. MEDxConnect provides decision-makers with the elements they need to increase operational productivity and maximize organizational resources. MEDxConnect optimizes the use of clinical and support resources by utilizing targeted software to perform laborious tasks and optimize data distribution. Administration can then leverage the full capacity of their enterprise without concern for resource location. The result is the maximization of every minute of physician time with a solution that:

  • Creates value for the business
  • Increases productivity
  • Is reliable and consistent
  • Is sufficient to meet demand
  • Adapts quickly to fluctuations

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