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In the News

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Compressus & IBM: Defining the Virtualization of Healthcare

An innovative healthcare IT platform that enables physicians to access the right information and images at the right time

Healthcare organizations face constant pressure to improve quality of
care while reducing costs, increasing efficiency and adhering to regulatory requirements. Many address these challenges by layering new technologies on top of old ones, and the result is IT overload. Systems don’t communicate effectively, data resides in silos, access is difficult and operational costs increase. Instead of taking advantage of new technologies, physicians in every specialty are forced to use frustrating work-arounds to get the information they need, when and where they need it.

Even if all the overlapping systems connected to each other seamlessly, inefficiencies and complexity would still exist. Different facilities and departments across the enterprise use different workflows which change frequently as standards of care, clinical protocols and regulations continue to evolve. Without a way to align disparate workflows, healthcare organizations remain unable to share information and collaborate
in a way that will significantly improve productivity, care or costs.

IBM and Compressus offer a radically different approach. Together,
the two companies offer a vendor-neutral way to address interoperability and workflow simultaneously, so physicians can access critical information and images from anywhere in the enterprise — and act on them — with unprecedented efficiency and ease of use.

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